It usually exists as a downloadable document pdf, accompanied by your trailer and other video material on blueray dvd flash drive and increasingly as a website. Subscribe to envato elements for unlimited graphic templates downloads for a single monthly fee. Whether youre drumming up business for your band or trying to win new clients for your company, adobe spark page lets you create an electronic press kit that will set you or your organization apart from the competition. A polished version can help you make that all important strong first impression with club owners, concert promoters, agents and. Media kit template 4 page creative flyer templates. Make sure that you get their attention and interest with a media kit thats not only useful and informative, but also perfectly designed. The first element to include in your epk is your bio. Even in the music, entertainment, and film industries, they use press kits. If up until now you werent totally clear on what people meant when they namedropped this essential tool.
A press kit is a way for you to sell your music by providing information and samples in a succinct packet. Refugeethe ultimate tom petty tribute band press kit. Use canvas amazing collection of templates to create a media kit quickly and easily. Free collection 40 epk template download free template.
Movedj dj press kit dj resume dj rider psd template. Free collection 40 epk template download free template example. Reverbnations epk helps you target venues, promoters, and press. Whether youre drumming up business for your band or trying to win new clients. Affordable epks, rebrandable epks, epks for agents, managers, publicists. Once the domain of print media publications like the washington post use press kits to show off circulation figures and advertising rates these documents. If youre wondering exactly what you should you put in it, here are a few items that are very beneficial. By stephanie is a boutique graphic design studio specializing in photography marketing templates and digital products that give your business the edge. How to create an electronic press kit for musicians. The artwork should extend to the outside edge of the template s pink zone to ensure a white border will not exist within the printed work.
A media kit, known by many as a press kit, contains a set of promotional materials and information about a company, business, events, and products. Download free press kit templates in microsoft powerpoint and pdf. With the electronic press kit epk, you can make sure that your. The ultimate guide to creating an epk with free template. Jun 16, 2016 how to create the perfect epk an epk or electronic press kit is a musthave for any musician looking to land gigs. Download dj musician press kit resume psd template buy this product this stylish professional resume press kit photoshop template is perfect as press kit and resume for artist, dj. There are many programs you can use to create a press kit, and you can choose the one youre comfortable with, as long as it can export a pdf. A good press kit should contain three main components. The exported pdf will be the final press kit that will be uploaded to your website, and sent to festivals. Professional electronic press kit for musicians drooble. To help you present yourself and your music in the best light, weve created the electronic press kit promotion tool. It will be easier to create with youtube icon templates in example format where there will be a lot of choices to have the page or sheet that will contain the ideas or imagination be printed and displayed in any kinds of medium.
Jump start your school, work, or family project and save time with a professionally designed word, excel, powerpoint template thats a perfect fit. Promote your band with this one page, professional and organized electronic press kit epk template. Lebanjy press kit dj 2015 soul artists, music artists, dj website, dj dj. To help you present yourself and your music in the best light, weve created the. Feb 19, 2020 whether youre a solo jazz musician, the singer in a rock band, or part of a folk duo, one of the most important pages on your music website is your electronic press kit page. Epk template beautiful 14 inspirational press kit cover letter media model line press kit template 30 lovely free press release template pics download 24 best musician press kit template. The 8 things that should be in every bands electronic. Press kits usually contain music, informational material, pictures and contact information for the band, so that you are competitive with other bands seeking the same attention.
With a catalogue of hit songs than spans decades and music that appeals to all ages, refugee is a great choice for everything from clubs, casinos, performing arts centers, country clubs, special concert series and anywhere people gather to hear great music. Blog media kit template 04 press kit pitch kit word. We upload all your content for you, resize images, compress audio and more. Tom pettyone of the greatest american songwriters of our time. You can even paste a sample illustration or painting on the front for added oomph. Concise, highly targeted information, stylishly delivered in a cost. As the name suggests, a press kits main function is for press outreach, when promoting singles, albums, tours, etc. Pick an artistically appropriate folder in which to house all your material. Choose from over a million free vectors, clipart graphics, vector art images, design templates, and illustrations created by artists worldwide.
There are many programs you can use to create a press kit, and you can choose the one youre comfortable with, as. Media kit template 6 pages adobe indesign envato elements. You can also make promotional kits to help you shop around unreleased music to labels, book shows, or to have something professional to send. Jump start your school, work, or family project and save time with a professionally designed word, excel, powerpoint. Template press kit template electronic press kit instant digital download ms word. A press kit is basically a pdf, so any kind of document creating software should work. These best press kit templates will help you promote your business. Download this free press kit presentation template in pdf format.
An epk or electronic press kit is a musthave for any musician looking to land gigs. Whether youre a solo jazz musician, the singer in a rock band, or part of a folk duo, one of the most important pages on your music website is your electronic press kit page. Theres so much content to put on an epk page that it can be hard to create something that is both well. How to create a music cover letter for a press kit our pastimes. How to make a press kit plus a free press kit template. How to make an electronic press kit for musicians epk. Custom printed press kits for musicians nationwide disc. Press kits are a necessary part of marketing your band, and nationwide disc offers you a professional way to promote your look and sound. Jan 07, 2016 download dj musician press kit resume psd template buy this product this stylish professional resume press kit photoshop template is perfect as press kit and resume for artist, dj, producer, musician and singer who want show their talent and skills. The press kit is of invaluable importance to any upandcoming musician. House music, tech house music, dj business cards, facebook cover template. If you are a blogger and you are ready to take your blog to the. Buy dj and musician press kit resume template by dogmadesign on. Jan 27, 2020 an important tool for a band artist manager is a press kit.
An important tool for a bandartist manager is a press kit. Electronic press kit for musicians, bands, artists, entertainers, songwriters. If you are a blogger and you are ready to take your blog to the next level and start attracting sponsors, you should put together a media kit for your blog. Whether youre drumming up business for your band or trying to win new clients for your company, adobe spark page lets you create an electronic press kit that. As musicians, we know how important it is to look your best sometimes. Blog media kit template 04 press kit pitch kit word blog media kit photoshop blog media kit. Design, artwork prints, print templates, psd templates, cd cover template, dj business cards, cd art. Flaps fold up from the bottom to hold your literature. An electronic press kit or epk is a digital solution for showcasing the services or products of a business or individual. Editors and reporters get numerous press releases and media kits on a daily basis. The artwork should extend to the outside edge of the templates pink zone to ensure a white border will not exist. Design your cover in the design layer, using the template pdf or png file as the guide layer. How to create an electronic press kit for musicians back whether youre an original act emailing promoters to book shows, or a function band wanting to get onto the books of a new entertainment agent, the advice is clear if you want to get more gigs, get a good epk.
No matter what youre looking for or where you are in the world, our global marketplace of sellers can help you find unique and affordable options. Martin custom gp18 grand performance acousticelectric. You can create an artist press kit with some samples of your work and a few simple steps. Youtube cover template is the tool you can use to have the cover page you can apply in any necessities. It usually exists as a downloadable document pdf, accompanied by your trailer and other video material on blueray dvd flash drive and increasingly. Grooveline dj press kit dj resume dj rider psd template. Free epks for bands, musicians, artists, entertainers. This article will tell you how to make a professionallooking band artist press kit. A wellstructured press kit template is essential if you want to succeed in your approaches to get press for your company, or if you want to include it with any press release. Etsy is the home to thousands of handmade, vintage, and oneofakind products and gifts related to your search. Jun 08, 2019 epk template beautiful 14 inspirational press kit cover letter media model line press kit template 30 lovely free press release template pics download 24 best musician press kit template opinion resume templates model press kit template example free templates business media pass professional music press release template bighaus free, a template musician artist line press kit music and. Tom was featured on the cover of the november 2009 issue of smooth jazz news magazine.
Buy rombus dj resume press kit psd template by vinyljunkie on graphicriver. Whether its about a historical figure or a hot button topic, successful documentary press kits play this angle. Mar 16, 2020 movedj dj press kit dj resume dj rider psd template. Your epk is the gateway to getting booked at new venues. Our custom designed press kits are 6 x 9 and come with free inserts for cd or dvd and business card. The 8 things that should be in every bands electronic press kit.
How to make an electronic press kit for musicians epk press. With the electronic press kit epk, you can make sure that your first impression is a lasting one. You are definitely the next van gogh, even though you have both ears, but so far the only person who knows it is whomever comes down your basement to see your paintings. Download media kit template 6 pages adobe indesign graphic templates by cokocreates. If youre wondering exactly what you should you put in it, here are a few items that are very beneficial to any press kit for bands and musicians. Capacity crowd celebrates washingtons rich bluegrass heritage at the 3rd annual dc bluegrass festival february. Showcase your strongest assets to the music industry with a customizable epk. You need a press kit so you can professionally introduce yourself to potential venues. Browse our easy to use photoshop template designs for mini sessions, senior marketing, photography logo and branding, pricing guides, gift certifica similar products from all shops. Buy martin custom gp18 grand performance acousticelectric guitar natural from guitarsofchina top quality guitar store,custommade martin guitar distributor online service suppliers. An important tool for a band artist manager is a press kit.
The ultimate guide to an epk template with movie press kit samples revolution in the ring film documentary press kits often have the luxury of a big name star. If you want to create a great first impression for your free press kit template, make an appealing cover as this is the first thing people see. It will be easier to create with youtube icon templates in example format where there will be a lot of. Also may be used as resume for every djs or producers. A polished version can help you make that all important strong first impression with club owners, concert promoters, agents and record labels. May 17, 2017 the ultimate guide to an epk template with movie press kit samples revolution in the ring film documentary press kits often have the luxury of a big name star. Browse through our professionally designed selection of free templates and customize a design for any occasion. Do not move the guide layer, as it is properly aligned for our printing specifications. Bookers and festivals have different needs and word limits for bios, so its a good idea to include different versions. Dj and musician press kit resume template resumes stationery college. If your band has a new album coming out or is going to be playing a local gig, the press release can help you get that information into. Epresskit, epk with rss, epk with password, epk with password protected mp3s, epk with free downloads, white label epks, whitelabel epks, resell epks, resell epresskits, epks for managers, epks for publicists, epks for agents. If up until now you werent totally clear on what people meant when they namedropped this essential tool weve got your back.
Whether youre drumming up business for your band or trying to win new clients for your company, adobe spark page lets you create an electronic press kit that will set you or your organization apart from the. The only epk with optional full service provided by music industry pros. Jul 19, 2016 a band can get tons of mileage out of a good press kit, or epk electronic press kit. When set up in preproduction, your movie website can be a powerful tool for marketing. Incorporate your logo on your cover page and put it in a visible space. How to create a music cover letter for a press kit our. Templates, psd templates, facebook poster, dj download, press kits, dj pro. You can also add any upcoming tour dates and upload set lists and riders for the press to view.
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